'9 Months old Baby Daily Routine Malayalam|Infant Food Routine and Activities|Homemade Ghee|'

'9 Months old Baby Daily Routine Malayalam|Infant Food Routine and Activities|Homemade Ghee|'
15:03 Mar 26, 2023
'This video includes daily routine of our 9months old baby - morning to night,activities and food.Review of kids food processor.Chicco steamer cum blender.How to prepare ghee from butter for kids.  pls watch subscribe and support to my channel  pls follow : I\'m on Instagram as @sliceoflifebyshahinazahir. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1g00nvn4p5b4m&utm_content=gtcrrgq  #dailyroutinevlog  #9montholdbaby  #sliceoflifebyshahinazahir  #homemadegheerecipe  #kidsfood' 

Tags: daily routine , Malayalam , baby routine , day in life , what my baby eats in a day , 9Months Babys Daily Routine , Baby In Lockdown Days , Kids Food Processor , Chicco Blender C , 9 Months old Baby Daily Routine Malayalam , Homemade Ghee , Homemade ghee recipe malayalam

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